Before you consider whether you’re choosing the right kind of retaining wall, you must first consider your needs and if a retaining wall is the correct solution for your situation. To help you make an informed choice, this introductory article explains what a retaining wall is and what purpose it is designed to serve. If at this point you decide a retaining wall can meet your needs, read on, as we explain how to choose the right kind of retaining wall.
What is a retaining wall?
A retaining wall is a stabilising structure that resists the lateral pressure of soil when there is a desired change in ground elevation that exceeds the angle of repose of the soil (gradient of the slope at which the soil settles naturally).
What is the purpose of a retaining wall?
Retaining walls are primarily designed and constructed to support soil at a slope steeper than can naturally be supported. Soil is held (or retained) behind the wall. Often this can make otherwise unused areas of your garden more accessible and functional.
Retaining walls may also be placed under stress from other factors, including buildings, swimming pools, landscape structures, footings, vehicle loads and/or wind loads on dividing fences.
*Safety note: Some pre-manufactured retaining walls are designed to support soil only and not other contributing stress factors. Empire Retaining Walls recommends always asking an expert for advice, as misuse of poor installation of pre-manufactured retaining walls may result in injury and/or property damage.
What materials can I choose from?
Depending on your needs and preferences, these are some of the options available:
• Timber sleeper retaining walls with timber or galvanised steel uprights
• Concrete sleeper retaining walls with galvanised uprights
• Reinforced besser block retaining walls
• Brick retaining walls
• Stack stone retaining walls
• Segmental block retaining walls
To ensure your retaining wall is fit for purpose, ask a retaining wall expert to assess your needs and make a recommendation on materials best suited in terms of safety, functionality, performance and design.
What should I look for in a provider?
• Look for someone who takes great pride in delivering top quality finished products made of the finest materials.
• For peace of mind, look for someone who guarantees their work.
For more information on retaining walls, click here.