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Small Retaining Wall, Big Difference!

Stuck trying to think of an idea to improve the appearance of your small front or back yard? Often a small retaining wall can make a big difference!

It doesn’t take much to improve the visual appeal of a small space, a retaining wall will not only prevent soil erosion, but it will also create useable land for planting and entertaining.

Take a look at one of our recent jobs below, this small retaining wall has greatly improved the street appeal of our client’s property.


small retaining wall big difference


small retaining wall big difference

These beautiful trees would eventually have toppled over after the original retaining wall started to deteriorate.

Replacing with a small concrete sleeper retaining wall has not only improved the aesthetic of this area, but it will also make sure these trees will be around to surround the basketball court for many years to come.



About Empire Retaining Walls

Licensed and registered with the Victorian Building Authority (VBA), Adam Ilic of Empire Retaining Walls has been a trusted service provider of the Mornington Peninsula for more than 12 years. Each of our clients receive personalised service and a custom solution. We take great pride in delivering top quality workmanship made of the finest materials.

To ensure the integrity of your design, contact us for a free quote and consultation today.

* Call Adam on 0421 573 001

* Email us at

* Follow us on Facebook and Instagram

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How To Protect Your Garden And Property With a Retaining Wall

Do you live on a sloping block of land and are wondering how to protect your garden and property?

Not only do retaining walls add a visual feature to your garden, they are also built to prevent the movement of earth and soil.

Heavy rain or even a slight movement of the earth can result in a shift in the soil. If the soil shifts too much, the slope can collapse and cause damage to your garden or property.

Below is an example of our work for a client who experienced heavy rain which resulted in a landslide, causing damage to their original retaining wall.


Our customer centric approach means that each client receives personalised
service and a custom solution. We take great pride in delivering top quality
finished products made of the finest materials. And when it comes to retaining
walls, we guarantee our workmanship from the ground up.

To ensure the integrity of your design, contact us for a free quote and
consultation today.


  • Call Adam on 0421 573 001
  • Email
  • Follow us on Facebook
  • To find out more about our service areas, please visit


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Retaining wall drainage

Retaining walls are specially engineered stabilising structures, designed to hold sloping soil in place. One of the most important factors, but certainly not the only one, to ensuring a safe and stable structure is correct retaining wall drainage.

What happens without effective retaining wall drainage?

Without effective retaining wall drainage, pressure will build up behind the wall. This may create bulging, cracking and eventually, collapse. Well-designed retaining walls will not tip over and will support, not only the earth behind the wall, but any loads that may be applied – cars for example.

Water build-up behind a retaining wall will increase the lateral load on the wall and therefore the risk of structural integrity being compromised.

What are some options for improving retaining wall drainage?

There are quite a few variations in design that will prevent water build-up behind, which will be dependent on the purpose and location of the wall, among other circumstances.

Sometimes, there is an opportunity for gravel backfill. Other times, there may be an opportunity to install a pipe that feeds into a stormwater drain. Perhaps weep holes will be integrated to help water drain out from behind the wall.

There may also be times when providing adequate drainage isn’t enough to prevent water from migrating through a retaining wall. Water in the wall can create a host of problems – for example, steel supporting rods may corrode over time. Retaining wall waterproofing may, in some instances, need to be considered.

Why should retaining wall drainage should be left to the experts?

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, retaining walls are not a DIY job. If a retaining wall should fail, and here are some signs that one might, significant damage and even injury may result.

Retaining wall drainage is just one of many important safety considerations Google can’t make you an expert in.

That’s why you should call in the experts – experts that do this every day; experts that guarantee their work from the ground up; experts like Empire Retaining Walls and Landscaping who have been servicing residential, commercial and industrial clients around Melbourne and the Mornington Peninsula for more than 10 years.

Contact us for a free quote and consultation today.



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Why retaining wall fences are the best


If you need to take things up a notch, retaining wall fences are the way to go.



Not only will a retaining wall fence improve your privacy, it will also block unattractive views… like that couple in the matching jogging outfits that go for a run every morning, while you’re chowing down on your second bacon and egg roll. You don’t need that kind of negativity in your life. Put up a retaining wall fence and block them out.


A retaining wall fence will reduce the noise you’ll hear from the road … like the pavement pounding that perfect suburban couple is participating in, but also cars, bikes, barking dogs, screaming children and the like.


Retaining wall fences are more durable than the average fence and will withstand the test of time, especially if you have them installed by someone who guarantees their retaining walls from the ground up … like us!


Retaining wall fences certainly can make a statement, particularly with the right finish … rendered in this case.

Exterior facade of a contemporary Australian home near the beach.

Exterior facade of a contemporary Australian home near the beach.

About the author: Providing complete landscaping services to residential and commercial clients for more than 10 years, Empire Walls are the retaining wall specialists in Melbourne and the Mornington Peninsula. We ensure each client receives personalised service, their retaining wall is fit for purpose and we guarantee our retaining walls from the ground up. Retaining walls are just the start – offered as part of our complete landscaping services.

  • For examples of our work, please refer to the Empire Retaining Walls online ‘Portfolio’. 
  • If you’re after a service not listed here, refer to this listfor details of our complete landscaping services.
  • For more information/a free quote, call Adam on 0421 573 001 or email
  • For free landscaping tips and to stay in touch, follow us on Facebook.
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